Working with data

The basics of working with data in JavaScript.

Loading data from a text file

Loading data from a text file

Shows how to load data from a text file.

Parsing JSON data

Parsing JSON data

Shows how to parse JSON data from text.

An easier way to load a JSON file

An easier way to load a JSON file

Shows an easier way to load a JSON file using the datakit JavaScript code library.

Parsing CSV data

Parsing CSV data

Shows how to parse CSV data from text.

An easier way to load a CSV file

An easier way to load a CSV file

Shows an easier way to load a CSV file using the datakit JavaScript code library.

Plotting your data

Plotting your data

Shows how to plot a chart from your data in Data-Forge Notebook.

Counting data records

Counting data records

Shows how to count the number of records in a data set.

Filtering data with filter

Filtering data with filter

Shows how to filter a data set using the JavaScript filter function.

Transforming data with map

Transforming data with map

Shows how to transform a data set using the JavaScript map function.

Saving a new data file

Saving a new data file

Shows how to save a new data file using the datakit JavaScript code library.

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